Satisfied? Life all you want it to be? Still lovin’ the livin’? Probably the most important question… still growing? Or do you think you know enough (word defined)? So what is on the horizon? What new goals have you developed or what does your future look like? If you think that you can continue on in your safe and comfortable world, think again. If you stop, you will get trampled on and you will get hurt.

I know that sounded slightly melodramatic… minimally threatening. But – does that decrease the truth? Life is never made for standing still, it’s not how the word is described or defined. Life always has ups, downs, successes, less than successes, etc. Perhaps the point is – do you see and understand your growth and who you can be as much as who you are? Do you incorporate your understandings into your life – operationally? 

Even if all’s well or all’s terrible, the likelihood of stagnant rarely occurs. There are always the ‘new’ that you encounter. You can choose to close a blind eye to all of this and lose all the opportunities in the process or you can choose to embrace life and partner with it to accomplish your dreams, hopes, possibilities. What’s stopping you? Why choose less than all that has been prepared for you? Why not dare, risk to accept the Lord’s invitation and begin to become. He has provided everything Just for you to use to be enabled to live the abundant life.

However… apart from Him, you can do nothing (John 15:5). Fact. Besides, why go it alone when you have One who always has your best interest in mind and wants to help you? The single most difficult obstacle, in my opinion, is our own pride and wanting to do (fill in the blank) our way. The fact that we DO have free will can become a hindrance when we are in our proving that we can do whatever it is by ourselves. Look at the behavior of children… isn’t that often what we do but on a much larger scale? It takes great humility to accept that we don’t always know the best or even act on the best response to … 

We can though. We can accomplish great things as long as we keep our eyes off ourselves and on the goal. Is the goal of greater value than our own sense of ourselves? Hmmmm…

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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