Ministry qualifications

  Ministry qualifications… You do realize, don’t you, that the disciples didn’t go to Seminary? They didn’t learn how to write a sermon or deliver a message and yet they were able to touch the world with Who they were touched by, which nearly 2000 years later continues to effectively influence and change lives. Why do you believe that only those who do go to college to ‘learn to be a minister’ are the only ones who are called to ministry, who are ‘qualified‘ to minister?

  The last question was stated only slightly sarcastic. And if you bluster that it’s an unfair comparison because the disciples had Jesus with them. True. But after He departed having given them a 3 year crash course by observing Him and His behavior, He didn’t leave them alone – He requested the Father to send the Holy Spirit who remained with them and now is with Christians today (John 14:12-17). 

  Those 11 men went on to touch countless lives. And then the ripple effect happened – and the Word was proclaimed to the world from one believer to the next. The reality of this impact really can’t be argued nor measured but, except for the benefit of the Torah and their experiences of being with Jesus, these men and women provided a message that has no equal. Were they ‘qualified’? Not the point. They did what was asked – they shared the One who brought life and meaning to them and asked them to share.

  This is going to sound harsh and slightly accusatory but if you are a Christian, YOU are called for ministry… right where you are, in your world. When you read The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) it is for you as well, not just the professional ministry. When you stand before the Lord and He asks what you did to fulfill this call on your life… how will you answer? Saying that you ‘supported’ the minister at your church or gave to missions will NOT be acceptable (my opinion). We ALL have the responsibility, have this call on our lives to share with those in our lives who and what has happened when we decided to act on our Christianity.

  Qualified? That’s our responsibility – to study (2Timothy 2:15). How and what do we do? Use the manual given us – Bible (2Timothy 3:16). Next question…

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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