Dr. Carolyn Coon

Hard Pressed?

  I’m sure we all feel this way at times. But remember 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9     “We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but       not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not       destroyed.” ‘Not’ is the point. We are not crushed, in despair, abandoned, destroyed!

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   Do you engage in this activity? Do you enjoy multi-tasking? Are you good at it? How do you use this ability to your greatest advantage? Is this approach always good, in all situations, at all times? The last multi-layered question was a give away… multi-tasking is a great ability, but it isn’t good in and

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  Have you thought about what it is that you give? We all give, every day, but the question is our ‘what’. Are you the builder upper giver? Perhaps you dispense love or maybe it’s hope. Maybe you are an encourager, strengthening those who may be attempting something entirely new to them and they are

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Send me!

  Can you say ‘send me’ and mean it? And do if you do say it, is it based in faith and confidence? Isaiah 6:8 was a response given to the Father’s question,          “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, And who will     go for us?’ Then

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  I’ve always appreciated the parable about the man who hired workers at the start of the day and continued throughout the day. At the close of the day, when he was paying the workers, they all received the same wage – which all had agreed to prior to starting work. Those who had worked

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Phrase catcher

  I’m a phrase catcher. A phrase catcher is one who, when they are reading all of a sudden a phrase leaps, literally, off the page. For me, whatever I’m reading sends me off on another rabbit trail adventure. Example: I was reading a post by Jacqueline Winspear (who, if you haven’t discovered her writing

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  What’s its source… do you know? Is it guilt-reaction, over something you did or didn’t do? Is it righteous indignation? Is it ‘justified’? What do you want to happen as the result of your expression of anger? Is the anger a seething? A slow burn that is eventually expressed in an outburst? Or… is

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
