Dr. Carolyn Coon


  As long as you continue to grow, never accept others’ ‘definition’ of your Christian maturity. People do tend to do this to one another. Early in my Christian walk I learned about walking in the light I had – and I have learned that this is what’s important. Too often we (and others) look

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World View

  World View: the way that someone sees and understands world events, especially in relationship to their religious or political beliefs and ideas. (Dictionary). So the questions are – do you know what your religious and political beliefs and ideas are? Is there a congruence between your religious and political beliefs? One question would be

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Before and After

  We all use scripture to confirm our point, our position. I believe that what the Lord taught me was that it is critical to read before and after the scripture verse that I ‘liked’. Sometimes I discovered ‘conditions’ to the verse and sometimes I discovered an entirely different way of thinking. The point is –

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  Have you ever thought about how you define words? Who or what is your source? Do you rely on the worldly definition? Spiritual? And, is how you apply, the operational definition of interest or concern? Another way of asking these questions are: do you apply worldly definitions to spiritual questions and how do you make

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
