Dr. Carolyn Coon


What is chastening? First: chastening is not the same as punishment. Webster defines punish as: to cause to undergo pain, loss…to impose a penalty. However, chasten, according to Webster, means to punish so as to correct. These are two different approaches, purposes. However I will admit that they may feel the same. Hebrews 12:11 tells us: “Now […]

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You can’t ignore your emotions.Why would you want to? Oh, you may try but it won’t work – emotions will express themselves. Control them? Difficult. Understand them? Maybe. But you must realize that they are and they will attempt to control you. This is where problems arise. Bottom line is that it’s natural to have emotions, it’s what you

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WHO is your God?

The reason I said ‘your’ is because we all seem to interpret God slightly differently – according to our experience. I suspect I should also be asking “…what does He do?” It is vitally important that we know Who God is and what He does. I’m not asking a rhetorical question but I am defining God as

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Memories are always personal ‘invasions’ into our now. They are sometimes fun, sometimes painful, sometimes they are reminders of how you handled a similar situation in the past. Actually you don’t necessarily control the emergence of memories – they can come unbidden. The aspect we control is what we do once the memory emerges. How

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“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…” (1Corinthians 10:4) Since you are in a war, and you are whether or not you have engaged yourself, then you need to know what is available to you to win your war. Actually we really are quite well

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I deliberately put the word in caps because it is so serious that it needs emphasis. I know that there are many in the church world who would like to mitigate the word to make Christianity more ‘popular’, but you really can’t. Sin is devastating. The current popular definition of sin is ‘missing the mark’.

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Your Enemy

You were aware that you have an enemy, yes? I don’t care how nice you are, you have an enemy who is actively involved and will use whatever devise is effective in order to see you destroyed. Actually if you are ‘nice’ you probably are a target. Your enemy doesn’t like you, never has and

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If you were to write your own epitaph right now… what would you say? Would you be happy with what you’ve accomplished? Would you be pleased with who you’ve become? If someone else wrote it – how would it mesh with what you would say? Would you emphasize the same ‘things’ that someone else would?

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
