Dr. Carolyn Coon


Have you ever felt like an afterthought? Not really excluded but not really includer either,,, more of a, ‘…oh, we should also invite (you) too.’ Maybe it’s a sense of being a ‘too’. Or maybe you think you’re being taken advantage of? Or perhaps you feel you are invisible (you aren’t) – but you don’t […]

Afterthought Read More »


If the lesson seems familiar… it probably is. But don’t, in haste, feel like you’ve ‘done this’ so it’s not important. Truly, that’s the wrong attitude. Maybe it is a relearn – because you missed something the first time? Or…it may be a deeper level of learning, understanding, and/or application? Sometimes it’s a case of

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Yes? No?

The argument to ‘what if I do (fill in the blank) and am wrong?!’ is… ‘what if I don’t (fill in the blank) and I should have?!’ Never forget the message in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-20). Also the other phrasing of this same ‘dilemma’ – ‘is it me or is it the

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Have you ever considered yourself a ‘burden’? How does that make you feel? Uncomfortable? Do you understand why? Shift emphasis… How do you feel when someone needs your help? For example: what is your reaction when asked to pray for someone or what if the need is financial? Back to you, when you became aware

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Beginning anew

Not particular excited about the title, but I’m back… it’s been an interesting 2 month journey. I’ll share some of my experiences and learnings in future posts, but how… What’s next! Not a question… a statement. (Somehow I think that 2023, the start of a new year and the end of my hiatus, begins on

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I think we all are familiar with this word. Webster defines it as: “an interruption in time or continuity: BREAK: especially: a period when something (such as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted” That’s what I think is happening for me, I’m beginning a new season. For the pat 14+ years I’ve been

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We are always going through… Tests. But I think most of us need to redefine what the word means and does. I believe that the purpose for tests is to help us discover what we don’t know, what we still need to understand. God is not punishing us or displeased with us, He is testing

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
