Dr. Carolyn Coon


Not so much a question of ‘if’ this word describes you… but How does it describe you. Where on the continuum of faithless to faithful would you put yourself? Do a fair evaluation. Now, how important is it to you to Be faithful? Is this a quality, an attribute you would want to describe your […]

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Random Revelations

I suspect that ‘ and ‘ should surround each of the words in the title… but for different reasons. Please don’t read this as cavalier, superficial, or impertinent… any and all revelations from the Lord are significant. Rather than ‘random’ perhaps I should have said – unexpected. Quite honestly, I always feel quite honored when

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I’d like to begin with an observation that is based in a question. Who, not where, is the ‘audience’ that Paul is writing to in Romans? Follow up questions: Are they learned and educated people? Or are they the average type? [I define ‘average’ as knowing enough scripture and theology to be dangerous.] Will they

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Intimacy: into me see. How powerful is that?!! I can’t take credit for this, Pastor Robert Morris taught on this. But what does this mean for you? Do you allow anyone to see into you? It is our choice. And even though the Lord does have the ability to do this – He never acts

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Discover [Webster]: : to make known or visible : EXPOSE to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time : FIND Yes, I am beginning the development of the final book in the 3rd series: Journey of Discovery’. This book is called – The Discoveries – which will be released sometimes in the Fall,

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Inner Peace

“Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]” [John 14:27, AMP]

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