Dr. Carolyn Coon


If ever there was a subject that most people do not want to discuss, it is death – the inevitable end for all of us… unless Jesus comes first. However, ‘end’ is not the proper understanding. Randy Alcorn in his book, Heaven, states: “Most people live unprepared for death.” Why do we do this? Because

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Letting God…

Let God be GOD. If your response is, ‘Of course!’ Don’t be too hasty. What does that mean to you? How are you allowing God to be GOD in your life? Does He have access to ALL parts in your life… and how – in what ways? Letting God be God requires you (us) to be attentive to what He

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You on YOU

Do you believe in yourself!? No excuses, no defense, no qualifications… do you believe in YOU? If you don’t, why not? What keeps you from believing? Life and other people will challenge you, do you accept the criticism without question? Or do you ignore their words? Both positions aren’t helpful. Bottom line is that without

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From the 2018 Olympics’ commercials:         “In every challenge, there are two rivals: Belief and Doubt.         Doubt has a bigger team.         Belief is outnumbered, but never outworked.         And when the score is settled, belief rises to the top.” Have you ever look and

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
