Dr. Carolyn Coon


We all find them… or they find us. Is there only a certain amount of preparation we can do to avoid them? Do we take the opportunity to learn from our previous mistakes or just keep repeating them? If we know we will get burned if we stick our fingers into the flame, are we […]

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What/How do you understand the definition of this work to mean? Actually, what picture is painted in your mind when the word is used? Webster defines it as: “… to lapse morally, to revert to a worse condition; … a person who has sunk below the normal moral standard.” The synonyms are degenerate, decadent, libertine,

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The Easy Path

Do we all instinctively seek the easy path? Are we searching for the minimum amount of ‘discomfort’ (not always defined… or known)? Do we invariably look, first, for paths that are smooth, straight, simple, not strewn with those aspects that demand a reasoned (sometimes defined as ‘painful’ – undefined) response? I think the answer is

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Walking in all the light you have. This is what we all need to do. You aren’t responsible for what you haven’t learned or understood. Walking and Responsible are our ‘defense’. But they also are our impetus and responsibility to continue to discover, develop, and grow. We have to grow: to learn, to understand, to

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Game playing. I must admit that I really don’t like this – which could mean that I don’t really know how or that I am really, really bad at doing it. Both could exist but I’d like to think that I am ‘above’ this kind of behavior. The only kind of games I enjoy are

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