Dr. Carolyn Coon


  What impresses you? What stays with you long after the person, event, or ‘thing’ has passed? And when you remember, what ‘trigger’ brought it to mind? I think this is a good operational definition of ‘impressive’ – remembering over time. But what’s more important is the context and content of the memory, what impressed […]

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It is well.

  Is it? Can you say that regardless of your situation… it is well with your soul? For me, this is a ‘sometimes, yes’ and ‘sometimes, no’ response. Not always strong… but I do know that when I’m not, if I want me to be ‘well’ there’s a simple way to get there. And no,

It is well. Read More »

Caretaker or Owner

  How do you view your role and responsibility in life – one who is a caretaker of those ‘things’, relationships, people, etc. in your life or as the owner of them? Your interpretation of who you are determines absolutely everything because it forms the foundation of your mindset, your frame of reference. Webster defines

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  Are you? I’m not talking about racism or prejudice, I’m talking about you – how and who you are, all your bits and bobs. Are you a series of ‘parts’ or are you complete? Do you do what you do, when you do it, with the same standard? Perhaps a definition will give us

Integrated Read More »

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