

Intimacy: into me see. How powerful is that?!! I can’t take credit for this, Pastor Robert Morris taught on this. But what does this mean for you? Do you allow anyone to see into you? It is our choice. And even though the Lord does have the ability to do this – He never acts […]

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I think we all face at least one ‘unbearable’ in our lives. Actually, we probably experience many unbearables. Some of us feel like we have far more than our fair share. And realizing all this helps us get through those times. Because we need to have the mindset that unbearables is something we go through…

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Something’s wrong? Perhaps your heart’s a bit cold? Hurt? Where’s the joy? Where’s the hope? Where’s the confidence? Feeling a bit low, sad, lost? Most important question – do you know why? I think we all find ourselves, from time to time, in this position. (A kind of ‘aside’ in this is… did we learn from

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The hole

I read, heard that we all have a hole in us… and, that the only thing that fills up or satisfies is God. Believe this? I do. I think that many of us try to fill the hole with everything we can think of… fame, fortune, multiple people/places/things, etc. But nothing ever seems to fully

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Self defense

The ‘evidence’ suggests that we all are quick to defend ourselves… whether or not we need to. If we ‘sense’ that a slight or ‘attack’ on our character or any other aspects of our self, then we leap into the breach with a defense of self. And what does this avail us? Sadly, more misunderstanding.

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Knowing… me

When you get down to it… how many people have you allowed to know you… including yourself? Not the surface you (which is never superficial, only surface), but the deeper you? Is there a reason? In some fashion are you protecting you? From what… or whom? Perhaps I should start with – do you like

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