
Talk things out…

Do you have someone to share with, to ‘talk things out’? I would contend that everyone needs a sympathetic but honest ear or sounding board, or ‘confidant’. We really aren’t created to be in isolation, rather, to be in contact. This is important to our soul. Do you know who this valuable and necessary ‘other’ is

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Game playing. I must admit that I really don’t like this – which could mean that I don’t really know how or that I am really, really bad at doing it. Both could exist but I’d like to think that I am ‘above’ this kind of behavior. The only kind of games I enjoy are

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Darkest hour

  This is different for each of us. And it rarely is a one and done. Many of us also rarely learn and apply those learnings from how we handled the last dark time to the one we are experiencing. Though each dark time has its own dynamics, extricating does have some similarities. Fault-finding is never

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
