

Do you give much thought to your arch enemy? You should you know. He’s been called the accuser of the brethren and he wastes no time in doing this and letting us know that he is doing this, though this verse speaks to what his fate is… “Now the salvation, and the power, and the […]

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Army of God

Do you consider yourself a soldier? Part of a vast army? Do you ‘take orders well’ – do you trust your training? Or do you think you shouldn’t be part of the front lines? One thing the foot soldier needs is trust in those in command and those mates to the right and left. Do

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[This post is really part 2 which began with the previous post called, “And after having done all to stand… Stand.] Do you know, realize you are in a battle… always? We were told to resist (James 4:7), to be on guard against our enemy. “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious

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Warfare… Battle

A few questions:  You do realize you ARE in a battle – yes? Do you know your enemy? Do you feel equipped? Do you believe ‘you win’? There are other questions, but these are essential ones. A few answers:  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world

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No equivocation

The ‘relativism’ bug seems to have invaded and affected every segment of our society. The primary problem with this approach is that there is no standard, no set of principles to guide. ‘It depends’ is the mantra and justification. However, as a Christian – you do have standards and principles. The Church stands on the

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Admittedly, I don’t talk much about the negatives and this is a subject that I haven’t addressed. I tend to attempt to encourage the reader to realize whose they are and what’s available to we believers in the Lord Jesus. However, this is a slight oversight. To deny or ignore the existence of evil is

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The Battle

Many will say that the mind is the battleground. No argument, but the battle really IS considerably more. The battle is for all of us: our souls – our minds, our wills, our emotions! And the battle occurs simultaneously in all three. It may start in one but it will always progress to include all

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The Easy Path

Do we all instinctively seek the easy path? Are we searching for the minimum amount of ‘discomfort’ (not always defined… or known)? Do we invariably look, first, for paths that are smooth, straight, simple, not strewn with those aspects that demand a reasoned (sometimes defined as ‘painful’ – undefined) response? I think the answer is

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
