
People of God

Know what this means? who it refers to? After a cursory study of this phrase, I thought it referred to God’s chosen people – the Jews. Then in one scripture I saw that it referred to us (Gentiles) “Once you were not a people [at all], but now you are God’s people; …” [1 Peter

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Did my last word in the previous post leave you hanging? It was meant to. My point is that we sometimes don’t read to the end of the sentence… or put the verse in context with what came before it and what comes after. And AND is a big word as are the other conjunctives.

And… Read More »

Always Forgiven?

There’s a teaching that seems to be a current talking point that I’m not completely understanding. It goes something like this: the believer is forgiven for ALL his sins even before he commits them! Obviously, being a believer is the requirement for that …. but is this ‘license’? If it sounds like it is… I

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70 x 7

I’m a huge fan of forgiveness. I do not have a problem seeking it when I know I’m wrong. Why? A number of reasons… I don’t need to carry the baggage of my (unrepented) poor behavior or sin. I still have enough ‘junk’ in me (though God’s not done with me yet) that adding to

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Are you aware that you have a cheerleader and a crowd of witnesses surrounding, supporting, and cheering you on? Well… you do. I would argue that we all need this – that we need others in our lives who will be brave enough to tell us truth, who will risk angering or hurting us as

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
