
Hiding sin

Doesn’t work, you know. The Lord was there when you sinned since He never leaves or forsakes us. I rather think He’ s not surprised when we choose to sin. Disappointed – undoubtedly, shocked and surprised – no. So why do we try to ignore or distance ourselves when we do sin? It never works..

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One accord

One accord is NOT compromise. It may not even be a consensus. One accord is accepting and acting in unity. Seeing the ‘bigger picture’ and acting on what is agreed as ‘in everyone’s best interests’. Obviously, the problem is in the definitions and ‘leadership’. Who defines? Who steps up and is the one who rallies everyone

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Darkest hour

  This is different for each of us. And it rarely is a one and done. Many of us also rarely learn and apply those learnings from how we handled the last dark time to the one we are experiencing. Though each dark time has its own dynamics, extricating does have some similarities. Fault-finding is never

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