
Messing Up

We all do this… yes? And there are degrees in this as well… yes? Personally, I rarely do anything by halves. Therefore, when I mess up I do so in a full blown, spectacular fashion. Recently I’ve experienced just such a misadventure. But ME, the great proponent of analyzing – did/have I? No! Sometimes, I […]

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Always Forgiven?

There’s a teaching that seems to be a current talking point that I’m not completely understanding. It goes something like this: the believer is forgiven for ALL his sins even before he commits them! Obviously, being a believer is the requirement for that …. but is this ‘license’? If it sounds like it is… I

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Do you believe you do this waaay too often? And are you correct in your assessment of you? Do you misstep … a lot? More importantly – do you know why? You can’t correct that which you don’t know, so if you don’t… you need to do what needs doing in order to be aware.

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Not necessarily a positive word, place to be. Can one truly grow in a complacent environment? The ‘advantages’ to being complacent is???? Don’t mistake content and complacent… they are not the same. Content is proactive, while complacent is incautious and typically inactive.Starting with Webster’s definitions, content means: “…contentment…” Not certain what this tells us. However, when

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
