

Not so much a question of ‘if’ this word describes you… but How does it describe you. Where on the continuum of faithless to faithful would you put yourself? Do a fair evaluation. Now, how important is it to you to Be faithful? Is this a quality, an attribute you would want to describe your […]

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Best Intentions

always, always, always makes us stumble (if not worse)! Then again, perhaps we should first look at who the best intentions are aimed at and why we think our determination is for their best! Tad presumptuous on our part… isn’t it? Who are we to determine what the best is for someone else? Unless they

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Do you believe?

Or maybe the question is what do you believe? What are those beliefs, standards, etc. that you stand unwaveringly upon, and what is your authority for these? Do your words and actions confirm this? Do you remember the question about when Jesus returns will He find faith? Do you believe He will return? And, back

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My Ideal Me

Occasionally I find myself sighing and wishing I was more like my ideal me. Do you? This can be my mindset when I find myself acting on what I call Paul’s lament – doing what he doesn’t want to and not doing what he does want. Then after a few sighs I typically find myself

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A Cracked Pot

You realize that we’re all wounded warriors… cracked pots. A chink here, a rough edge there. But look at what the Lord does with us! And that’s the point. We can wallow in our cracked status or give all that we have and are to the Lord. Actually, this process of giving all we have

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
