
Letting God…

Let God be GOD. If your response is, ‘Of course!’ Don’t be too hasty. What does that mean to you? How are you allowing God to be GOD in your life? Does He have access to ALL parts in your life… and how – in what ways? Letting God be God requires you (us) to be attentive to what He […]

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I’m a phrase and/or line collector – both written and spoken words. They are always ones that capture my thinking and stop me in my tracks. Quite honestly, I do love these occurrences. And yes, there are certain writers that do arrest me more than others. Let me share one that I recently heard. “When our

Contemplation… Read More »

Expecting is one thing…Presuming is another

While it may be argued that expecting and presuming are related… they really aren’t. Though admittedly, they may seem to be the same. According to Webster, expecting: “to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of…”. Presuming: “having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude.”Many might argue that presuming

Expecting is one thing…Presuming is another Read More »


What an incredible word. Do you know what it means? How? If you answered that you just knew, that it’s a pervasive feeling of… of … well-being. And now you begin to list all of the adjectives that describe the feeling. Understandable. Peace is more easily described as a feeling. But it really is so

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
