
Are you asking?

Scripture tells us that we receive not because we don’t ask. Is this happening in your life? Or is it the next sentence that voids the receiving… “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” (James 4:3) Soooo, what are you asking for, and are you receiving? […]

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How do you respond to tests? Actually, can one ever ‘enjoy’ being tested? But they are inevitable… aren’t they. However, can you identify when what you are experiencing IS a test v. from your own missteps or (fill in the blank)? Tests are a separate category all to themselves. Tests by definition are designed to

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It’s always our assumptions that lead us astray. Yes?! We all know this but we all will insist on doing it anyway. Why? Order. We all seem to need a way of structuring our interactions and actions. It appears to be the foundation to ‘make sense’ of our world. So is it all bad? All

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Don’t leave open spaces! If that sounded strange, it really isn’t – but let me explain. Remember the deliverance described In both Matthew and Luke?   “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places,      seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from  

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I read, somewhere, the following:     Let your dreams guide your steps      Dare to be feisty      Write yourself a happy ending      Listen to your heart      Sing a song of rainbows      Dance in the direction of your dreamsDoes this ‘speak to you’? Does it make you

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Taking stock

I’m a firm believer that this is necessary for us to do on a regular basis, not just the New Year’s Resolutions time. Taking stock gives us the advantage of looking back for a reason – to see where we’ve come from, what we’ve accomplished, what we still need to do. It is incredibly important

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Trust is….

Yes I know I’ve talked about trust a number of times and in a number of different settings. The aspect I’d like to look at this time is… HOW do you know you can trust (fill in the blank). I’m not focusing on ‘things’ but on people. How do you know you can trust him/her?

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Turn around

This is an important question… do You believe that if you are on a dead-ended path or an ill thought out decision, that you can’t turn around? Or can you? Are you of the persuasion that you made your own bed and now you have to sleep in it? Or… that you don’t need to

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
