
What… and Why

You may know ‘What’ you believe… but do you know ‘Why’ you believe what you believe? Why is critical because it’s what ‘What’ stands on. Do you believe as you do because that’s how you were raised? Or is it the exact opposite… because of how you were raised? Maybe it’s come through your experiences? […]

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Do you give much thought to your next home? Perhaps it’s my age, but the word/subject flits into my mind more often. Then again, it may be a reaction to how the world is going – in the wrong direction. But what have you envisioned this to be? I know there are books and movies

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Meaning? Is it the same as “foundational’? Webster:    “… serving as, or being an essential part of, foundation or basis; basic; underlying; being an original or primary source; indispensable, primary…”   Some of the suggested synonyms are: basic, elemental, essential, introductory, rudimental, underlying.This is like an onion… the more you peal back the more you

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  Do you extend restoration to those who hurt you but regret this and want to maintain the relationship. I must admit that this is another of my favorite words… because the potential result (restored) holds so much promise. However, how do you define restore? Do you believe this possible for yourself? in relationships? with the Lord?

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Got a Book Question?

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