

On what do you base your foundation on which you act? How confident are you of the source of your standard? And yes, we all have some basis on which we respond, think. Yours?Personally, I have to have something that is irrefutable, that doesn’t ‘depends on the situation’, that is proven to be true, and […]

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Many paths?

There is a misleading phrase being accepted by many. Sadly, it is their delusion. It is NOT truth. The phrase is that there are many paths to God. No! Is this another attempt to water down Christianity? Who has perpetrated this lie? Has the church, in an attempt to be ‘inclusive’ and acceptable, reinforced this

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Woman’s place…?

I often think that Paul is the most misquoted and misinterpreted writer in scripture. He has been labeled a misogynist by many women who suffered from men who have attempted to put them down ‘piously’ by misquoting or misunderstanding the context of Paul’s words. The women haven’t advanced their ‘case’ either by doing precisely the

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