
Chronic Inaction

You don’t, can’t, choose to hide or remain mute. If you are born again, saved, you are an Ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) with certain responsibilities. If all that you do/have done is to accept the gift of salvation and not grown, how do you define ‘Christian’? “But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging […]

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There’s an old saying, “…your sins will catch up with you.” Undoubtedly accurate. Sometimes it feels as if we’re living on tenderhooks of unrepented sins. Rather silly, isn’t it? When we sinned, the Lord was with us (remember His words that He would never leave us… that included when we did/said what we shouldn’t) –

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Admittedly, I don’t talk much about the negatives and this is a subject that I haven’t addressed. I tend to attempt to encourage the reader to realize whose they are and what’s available to we believers in the Lord Jesus. However, this is a slight oversight. To deny or ignore the existence of evil is

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Faltering Faith

We all find ourselves in this predicament occasionally – but why? Why have we misplaced or lost our shield, knowing that it quenches ALL the fires darts (Ephesians 6:16). What causes our faith to falter? These questions only scratch the surface of what and why our faith seems to dwindle at times. An equally important

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Hiding sin

Doesn’t work, you know. The Lord was there when you sinned since He never leaves or forsakes us. I rather think He’ s not surprised when we choose to sin. Disappointed – undoubtedly, shocked and surprised – no. So why do we try to ignore or distance ourselves when we do sin? It never works..

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What/How do you understand the definition of this work to mean? Actually, what picture is painted in your mind when the word is used? Webster defines it as: “… to lapse morally, to revert to a worse condition; … a person who has sunk below the normal moral standard.” The synonyms are degenerate, decadent, libertine,

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The Easy Path

Do we all instinctively seek the easy path? Are we searching for the minimum amount of ‘discomfort’ (not always defined… or known)? Do we invariably look, first, for paths that are smooth, straight, simple, not strewn with those aspects that demand a reasoned (sometimes defined as ‘painful’ – undefined) response? I think the answer is

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