
Messing Up

We all do this… yes? And there are degrees in this as well… yes? Personally, I rarely do anything by halves. Therefore, when I mess up I do so in a full blown, spectacular fashion. Recently I’ve experienced just such a misadventure. But ME, the great proponent of analyzing – did/have I? No! Sometimes, I

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Wobbles can be of varying lengths of time. They can affect various aspects of our lives. They can even be of varying degrees of seriousness… and definitely of varying expressions. Wobbles typically are atypical of who we, typically, are but they do affect all of our selves not just areas. They surprise others but sometimes

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I am so sorry…

Sometimes those are hard words to say. This isn’t the glib, unthinking phrase that trips off the tongue, but the heartfelt statement based on the realization of what the ramifications were/are created for/on others from your words or actions. Never forget that your words are powerful and have even greater impact than you may imagine.

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