
Trials… Joy?!

We are told to ‘consider’, tests and challenges and trials!!! Who would ‘consider’ that? Doesn’t mean it isn’t a good thing though. But… what do we get from doing this? How do we view tests, challenges, and trials? Unfair? How are we to ‘consider’? “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come […]

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Trustable. Are you trustable? It probably would help if I provided my definition for this word so you’d know how I was defining and expressing this word. I do realize that most people would use ‘trustworthy’ which is a great word and more well known and understood, but I like ‘trustable’. In my world of

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My goodness… I didn’t realize that I was sooo performance based! No, not in relation to others, as a basis of comparison – just in terms of me. And while some of you who are more familiar with me, I suspect this comes as no great shock. Was it my family? my friends? my standard?

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Can you even get your head around how the God of the universe acts toward His creation? How do you explain, understand – grace. “God’s grace is usually defined as undeserved favor. Grace cannot be earned; it is something that is freely given. We count on God’s grace and the bridge He built in our

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I may have taken a right when I should have continued straight ahead, but I got intrigued with the word – devotional. Do we really know what it means? Do we know how to ‘do’ it? So I did a bit of a deep dive. Most of the scriptural references on this word are found

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Chronic Inaction

You don’t, can’t, choose to hide or remain mute. If you are born again, saved, you are an Ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) with certain responsibilities. If all that you do/have done is to accept the gift of salvation and not grown, how do you define ‘Christian’? “But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging

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[The credit for this discussion belongs to Pastor Robert Morris whose Eastermessage was… not sure what word to use – fantastic. I’m just sharing myunderstanding that came from his message. I felt it needed to be shared –just remember that it’s my understanding.] “When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
