

Do you like surprises? Many people don’t. I’m really not sure why………. Personally, I love surprises – all sorts. Surprises can come in any form and be related to anything. Any ‘ah ha’ can be classified as a surprise because surprises, by definition, are unexpected. I think my favorite type of surprise is the understanding […]

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Selective Amnensia

Isn’t that a great title?! My high school best friend used those 2 words in describing her approach to her birthday. You have to understand, first of all, that I’m a great believer in celebrating and especially celebrating birthdays. Thus the ‘selective amnesia’ struck a chord. It wasn’t associated with the word ‘celebrate’ but with

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I think I must be one of those… education for education sake. I love learning new things. Life long learning is definitely a high priority, and daily is a goal. And I think that it explains my particular toys: computers, iPods, and similar ilk. Actually I think one of the reasons fall is my favorite

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(I realize that this may sound similar to an earlier post – “Pet Peeves”. Kinda… but this is specific.) I am a terrible wait-er. I hate to wait. For anything. Ever. At any time. Period. And don’t try to tell me that this has to do with the reality that I have no patience. They

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“There is no qualitative or quantitative measurement for pain. It is simply there – sharp or dull, shooting or stabbing, bearable or excruciating, local or general. It is unexplained, uninvited, unavoidable.” Sorry, I have no idea who said this but it’s true and is probably one of the best definitions of pain I’ve ever read.

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‘Fruitful’ happens to be my favorite word probably because it is an action word. Being fruitful is, for me, my ultimate goal, my passion. There are a number of steps, tasks, we have to accomplish along the way to being fruitful. The first is to discover what fruit we are. We can’t expect to be

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
