

  As I was perusing the entries in my upcoming next book I saw that with this book, the majority of the entries came from my blog writing… at least the initial idea/concept. I always ‘tweaked’ the post for the book but it was this realization that caught my attention. How often do we ‘try

Reflecting… Read More »


  Webster’s definition is: “very strong and clear: not showing or allowing any doubt.” No question. No doubt. The synonyms Webster uses to describe this word are equally strong: straightforward, unambiguous, unmistakable, clear; and means – unequivocal. I think the point is made. God and His Word are unequivocal.   And… that’s what standing on God’s word is. Our

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  It’s true! I never met a question I didn’t like … or ask. Questions are terrific and, in my opinion, more important than answers. Though, I will quickly add that the reason for the questions is to discover answers. My point being that without the question, you really don’t have a context. Questions always

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  Got any Goliath(s) in your life? So tell me, what are you doing about/with/to them? Trying to ignore? Feeling defeated? Letting ‘them’ control? What? You do remember what happened to Goliath, don’t you? Precisely. He got defeated. Now… what did it take to defeat him? And don’t tell me that it was a rock

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God pleaser?

  Are you a God pleaser? Consciously? How do you know? Do you Do and say those things that would be pleasing to Him? Do you want to Be pleasing? Does it matter? How do you know you are pleasing? Have you looked into His book, the Bible, to discover what pleases Him, what He considers important?

God pleaser? Read More »


  Do you fully appreciate that it is We who are given gifts when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord! It’s true. And do you understand or realize ALL the gifts we are given? Have you unwrapped them in your life? Do you see the riches you have been given? Yes, it starts with salvation –

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
