

[The following is an article that I wrote for the church newsletter. Since only one of you would have seen/read it, I thought I’d share and expand it. Part of the reason for providing this is that I think the ‘subject matter’ is relevant for all of us to consider, to resolve (?). ]    […]

Strength Read More »


  Do you know and understand your motives for why you do or don’t do, say or don’t say (fill in the blank)? Or do you simply go blithely through your day without thinking about your why… your motives? It you are a Christian then you have a foundation for your motives. Whatever you are

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I’m Sorry…

  Do you mean it? Are You sorry? Do you drop the ‘I’ and toss out just the one word…sorry? Exactly what are sorry about? That you got ‘caught’? That you were wrong? That the other person(s) misunderstood? That someone’s feelings were hurt? That the ramifications from your words or actions caused harm? What? A

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In word…

  only? Does this describe you? That you are (fill in the blank) in word only, that your actions belie who you say you are, really are, and what you truly believe. This is not said accusatory, it’s asked as a question… and for some of us – a wake up call. This also begs

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Make You count

  You are the only one who can… and you can! Don’t know what to do? What’s at your hand? It doesn’t make any difference if someone else can do ‘it’ better, faster, more effectively. If no one is ‘stepping into the breech’, this may be an opportunity for you to Do your ‘I Can’.

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
