

I don’t know anyone who seeks or likes discipline. Typically it is, minimally, uncomfortable but on the flip side – the potential is enormous. The experience can be painful but the resultant learning is always significant. The important consideration is how you approach discipline. Discipline is almost always associated with punishment but that really is

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“Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord” the scripture tells us. This is one of those statements that’s punctuated with an exclamation mark, not just a period. Praise is so important that a whole book is devoted to this – Psalms. And praise is so critical to our own mental health that it’s not

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Are you an overcomer? Do you think, act, believe you are an overcomer? More particularly… do you know you are an overcomer? Or are you one of the overcomed – and yes I know overcomed is not a word but it does portray the reality. I’m not sure you can be on a continuum between

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Motivation is one key in our repertoire of what moves us. But if motivation is the action verb then inspiration is the force behind it. Inspiration is the heart of our actions. But what is ‘inspiration’ and what are the specifics, individually?One of the definitions that Webster provides us with is: “any stimulus to creative

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Have you ever thought about how truly remarkable the Bible is? Perhaps ‘remarkable’ doesn’t even come close to capturing the sheer enormity of it. If all you were to do is to look at the logistics of the book, even then it is considerably more than just remarkable. This is a book that was written

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Do you consider yourself selfish? Altruistic? Somewhere on the continuum between them? Selfish, like pride, is one of those behaviors that we feel should be avoided at all costs. And while I would never try to make a case for selfish, I do believe we need to be aware of what it is and what

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One of the more important instructions Paul gives us is to renew our minds. This is not some idle suggestion since he makes it more than once. And it’s not a magic wand that’s twirled over our heads when we are born again that instantaneously creates a new mindset, this is a daily ongoing activity

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