

  Some people don’t seem to know how to begin. It’s like they’re waiting for a sign or a signal to thrust them onto the ‘stage’. If you don’t know how or where to begin, then look at what’s at your hand. Then… do that. If you don’t feel that (fill in the blank) is the

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A full Heart

   What’s your heart full of? Both Matthew (15) and Luke (6) talk about whatever is in the heart – the mouth speaks. It’s like a pitcher that is filled with water and as more is added, it overflows. So what’s your heart overflowing with? Love? Pain? Joy? Frustration? What is in abundance? Never forget

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  God… but let Him love you too. Actually, He loved us first. If you think you’re not as good as you want to be with the first half of the sentence, you are undoubtedly right. But I also consider this as a ‘good’… especially when we allow ourselves to motivate us in a more

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Merry heart

  For the most part, I am a silver-linings type. I tend to be able to find a positive in most situations. This is NEVER a rose-colored glasses approach nor is it that I ignore the issues and problems, it’s that I try and find the positive so I have a solid platform on which

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
