

We in the West really don’t have the correct appreciation, understanding and definition of this word. A covenant is more than just a ‘contract’. Contracts can be broken – covenants aren’t. Viewed in that light, covenants aren’t entered into lightly. Covenants still are used by people in the East and last from generation to generation.Looking […]

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Unspoken Expectations

Expectation is really a two-edged sword. Expectations, from yourself, from others can be extremely debilitating because they are beyond your ability to accomplish. And they can be motivating, giving a sense of accomplishment.The one critical component in expectations is the knowledge that they are even there. That may sound strange but it isn’t. Often there

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Ugly word. The word even sounds evil. Granted the fact of the definition associated with the word gives the basis for a negative feeling, however it obvious isn’t something we should encourage. Webster defines vice: an evil action or habit, evil conduct. And we all have them…. Regardless, no matter the number, we should attempt

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