
Reverse Snobs

Snobs? Snobs! What do you think… can Christians be snobs? Hint: can and should are not the same thing. Seriously… doesn’t snobs come from pride? Now the kicker – can Christians legitimately be prideful? Kinda depends on the focus of the pride, how it’s displayed, and the results from displaying it.??? ” My fellow believers, […]

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“Now may the God who gives endurance and who supplies encouragement grant that you be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, .so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify and praise and honor the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” [Romans 15:5-6, AMP] However, before we get into the meat of these 2 verses,

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Did you grow up knowing you needed a Savior? And ‘needed’ is spelled in capital letters. I suspect that unless your family was Pentecostal, the probability for most of we who were raised in mainstream churches didn’t. Baptists did though. Point being is that if you didn’t know… how do you know? What was your

Savior… Read More »

Trials… Joy?!

We are told to ‘consider’, tests and challenges and trials!!! Who would ‘consider’ that? Doesn’t mean it isn’t a good thing though. But… what do we get from doing this? How do we view tests, challenges, and trials? Unfair? How are we to ‘consider’? “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come

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Definitions and such

Definitions are important! Mandatory even. Without them we really don’t know if we are speaking the same ‘language’. You (listener/reader) may not agree with the speaker/writer’s definition, but at least you know why they are saying what they are saying. However we can never use our definitions as litmus tests. One of the fun opportunities

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I sometimes wobble

In my own defense… I think we all do. What is a ‘wobble’? Typically unintentional as well as unthinking – it’s when we think, speak, or act without considering what we may be implying to the recipient (including ourselves) nor the consequences from those words or actions. Really, this is ‘no little thing’ – and

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
