

Have you ever considered the fact that the God of the Universe, the Creator of all things wants to be in relationship with you… and that He calls you ‘friend’! It’s true. He has done everything for us, not to ‘buy’ our affection – He is not a sugar daddy – but has and is

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Would you say you are a devoted person? To what? Are there many… or few things, people that are the focus of your devotion? How do you express your devotion? Would anyone know? Let’s start simple – how do you define ‘devotion’? I probably should ask if you have operationalized your definition. Is there (what

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Are you aware that you have a cheerleader and a crowd of witnesses surrounding, supporting, and cheering you on? Well… you do. I would argue that we all need this – that we need others in our lives who will be brave enough to tell us truth, who will risk angering or hurting us as

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We have a problem. Insurmountable from our position… but not with God. I am constantly amazed, when I read in scripture, answers that were prepared for the now we live in. To me, righteousness, relationship are highly prized and critical to life. Let me share an insight, understanding that I think the Lord gave me

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“Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever.” [Hebrews 13:8, AMP\ Have you truly thought about this verse? No… I mean to the point that you really believe, accept, and ACT on what this implies! Do you read scripture in light of this verse? Do you realize that the entire

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Do/Have you ever want/ed to do ‘something’ even though you know there’s really nothing you can do? In my case, even though I knew it was totally impossible, I wanted to ‘repay’ the Lord for all He did and continues to do for me. But… is this even possible? Short answer – NO! It’s not

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