Journey of Discovering

Journeys are never an easy or simple road to travel.  
Occasionally we all need a new or different perspective. 
This is how journeys work – it’s an adventure!

Beginning in 2008, I began writing a blog and now there are over 1,400 blog postings available for you to explore. If you are interested in a particular topic, click on the magnifying glass.

Dr. Carolyn's Most Recent Posts


A Test or a Trial? … Or a Temptation?

July 6, 2024

Jack v. Master

July 3, 2024


June 30, 2024

‘Not Again!’

June 27, 2024

Greater and Much… and Serve

June 24, 2024


June 21, 2024
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Jack v. Master

When I was growing up in the dark ages, one of the more favorite sayings was ‘jack of all trades and the master of none’

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Dr. Carolyn Coon


Did you grow up knowing you needed a Savior? And ‘needed’ is spelled in capital letters. I suspect that unless your family was Pentecostal, the

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

‘Not Again!’

Do you find yourself using those or similar words? It’s the same lament that Paul wrote about – doing the things he doesn’t want to

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

Greater and Much… and Serve

Do you ever take the time to put teachings, verses together when one confirms the other. I certainly do – example: “Believe Me that I

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Dr. Carolyn Coon


Not you? If you are a born again Christian then, yes you are sent. Read again the Great Commission [Matthew 28]. We have work to

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

‘I wonder…’ #2

I wonder #2 is a series of ponderables or wonderings. Mostly it’s asking and not answering questions. Each a study in contemplation? Perhaps. <<<>>> TeachableDo

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

Trials… Joy?!

We are told to ‘consider’, tests and challenges and trials!!! Who would ‘consider’ that? Doesn’t mean it isn’t a good thing though. But… what do

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Dr. Carolyn Coon


Trustable. Are you trustable? It probably would help if I provided my definition for this word so you’d know how I was defining and expressing

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Dr. Carolyn Coon


My goodness… I didn’t realize that I was sooo performance based! No, not in relation to others, as a basis of comparison – just in

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A Little Blast from the Past...

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
