Journey of Discovering

Journeys are never an easy or simple road to travel.  
Occasionally we all need a new or different perspective. 
This is how journeys work – it’s an adventure!

Beginning in 2008, I began writing a blog and now there are over 1,400 blog postings available for you to explore. If you are interested in a particular topic, click on the magnifying glass.

Dr. Carolyn's Most Recent Posts



October 6, 2024

Who and What

October 2, 2024

Hurt and Healed: Healed

September 29, 2024

Taking for granted …

September 26, 2024

Hurt and Healed

September 20, 2024

Invited. Involved?

September 17, 2024


There’s a law of science that talks about that everything seeks equilibrium – seeks to be in balance. One thing we should realize is that

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What are you feeding your spirit, your soul? Is it garbage in thus creating garbage out or are you feeding ‘good things’ in? Recognize that

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God is never silent

… it’s just that we don’t always hear. Sometimes we’re so focused on the ‘issue’ that all of our attention is used up and we

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Limiting God

We all do – this is a given. We limit God by not going to Him with everything. We limit Him by our lack of

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Betrayed! by my church…

Have you ever felt this way? Did you recall the phrase that… the only ones that shoot their wounded are Christians… and then apply that

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Pressure… Stress…

Do you feel pressured, stressed? Or is pressure something you feel you have no choice but to live with it daily? Between work and home

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Do you WANT to forgive?

For some reason the theme of forgiveness keeps coming back into my thinking. Personal? Possibly but I think there’s something greater than just me. I’ve

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I don’t know…

Why is it so difficult to respond with a … I don’t know? I would hazard a guess that part of the reason is that

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Adversity comes. And bad things DO happen to good people. But adversity isn’t completely negative, it also challenges our understanding of who we are and

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What God wants from YOU.

Do you know what God wants from you? Have you thought about this? Have you asked Him what He wants from you? How do you

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Do You have a Question?

drop Me a line and keep in touch

A Little Blast from the Past...

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
