Journey of Discovering

Journeys are never an easy or simple road to travel.  
Occasionally we all need a new or different perspective. 
This is how journeys work – it’s an adventure!

Beginning in 2008, I began writing a blog and now there are over 1,400 blog postings available for you to explore. If you are interested in a particular topic, click on the magnifying glass.

Dr. Carolyn's Most Recent Posts


Who and What

October 2, 2024

Hurt and Healed: Healed

September 29, 2024

Taking for granted …

September 26, 2024

Hurt and Healed

September 20, 2024

Invited. Involved?

September 17, 2024

Giving Glory…

September 14, 2024

Helping others to forgive you….

Perhaps it may appear ludicrous, but one aspect of forgiveness that I hadn’t previously considered is helping others forgive you. Just like you don’t want

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I don’t know anyone who seeks or likes discipline. Typically it is, minimally, uncomfortable but on the flip side – the potential is enormous. The

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Justice and Mercy

Perhaps somewhat childlike, though I would refute childish, I have always had a strong sense of justice. You can sense it in my black and

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“Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord” the scripture tells us. This is one of those statements that’s punctuated with an exclamation mark, not

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Are you an overcomer? Do you think, act, believe you are an overcomer? More particularly… do you know you are an overcomer? Or are you

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Motivation is one key in our repertoire of what moves us. But if motivation is the action verb then inspiration is the force behind it.

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Have you ever thought about how truly remarkable the Bible is? Perhaps ‘remarkable’ doesn’t even come close to capturing the sheer enormity of it. If

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Do you consider yourself selfish? Altruistic? Somewhere on the continuum between them? Selfish, like pride, is one of those behaviors that we feel should be

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HOW to renew

It’s one thing to be told you need to renew your mind and another thing to know how to go about renewing. There are a

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One of the more important instructions Paul gives us is to renew our minds. This is not some idle suggestion since he makes it more

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Do You have a Question?

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A Little Blast from the Past...

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
