Journey of Discovering

Journeys are never an easy or simple road to travel.  
Occasionally we all need a new or different perspective. 
This is how journeys work – it’s an adventure!

Beginning in 2008, I began writing a blog and now there are over 1,400 blog postings available for you to explore. If you are interested in a particular topic, click on the magnifying glass.

Dr. Carolyn's Most Recent Posts



October 6, 2024

Who and What

October 2, 2024

Hurt and Healed: Healed

September 29, 2024

Taking for granted …

September 26, 2024

Hurt and Healed

September 20, 2024

Invited. Involved?

September 17, 2024

The Dos and Donts

Dos and Don’ts are not options when the source and authority is the Lord and His Word. We aren’t even asked to ‘like’ the do/don’t.

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

Step 1

You do realize that Step 1 doesn’t always work… yes? Step 1 is precisely that – the first step! Are you going to give up

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

Touching Lives

I believe with all my heart that touching lives is the single most important thing we can do – every day. Today is not only

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Dr. Carolyn Coon


Actually, do you go into your day consciously equipped? Do you make certain you have all the resources you need to do your day? Frivolous

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Do you believe?

Or maybe the question is what do you believe? What are those beliefs, standards, etc. that you stand unwaveringly upon, and what is your authority

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

Scriptural or Secular Understandings

Misunderstandings? Scripture isn’t conflicted or confused… we are. We do the misunderstanding. I would argue that the reason, or at least a contributor, is that

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

The Woman Question

Often the phrase, the woman question, is used to identify what happens to women. I would argue that ‘to’ is the proper adjective, not ‘for’.

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

Your Reputation

Your reputation precedes you? Know what it is? Do others know of you before they meet you? Have you carefully sculpted what and how you

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Dr. Carolyn Coon


Do you? When the focus of your remembering is who the Lord is and what He’s done in your life… your faith is increased. Have

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Dr. Carolyn Coon

Pray… how long?

Have you ever wondered how long you should pray about (fill in the blank)? I have. The simple answer is… until the answer manifests. And

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Do You have a Question?

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A Little Blast from the Past...

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
