Journey of Discovering

Journeys are never an easy or simple road to travel.  
Occasionally we all need a new or different perspective. 
This is how journeys work – it’s an adventure!

Beginning in 2008, I began writing a blog and now there are over 1,400 blog postings available for you to explore. If you are interested in a particular topic, click on the magnifying glass.

Dr. Carolyn's Most Recent Posts


Is THAT Me?!!

October 9, 2024


October 6, 2024

Who and What

October 2, 2024

Hurt and Healed: Healed

September 29, 2024

Taking for granted …

September 26, 2024

Hurt and Healed

September 20, 2024

The 2 faces of… Doubt

  I would argue that one of the most insidious feeling/thinking anyone ever experiences is doubt. It can stop us from progressing and can arrest

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Merry heart

  For the most part, I am a silver-linings type. I tend to be able to find a positive in most situations. This is NEVER

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The Cross

  This could have been your destiny, and mine. It is the destiny for those who refuse to accept Jesus. Talking about the cross –

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  Faith the size of a mustard seed… both Matthew (17) and Luke (17) talk about faith and our acting on it. Faith isn’t something

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Make me an instrument…

     “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred,      let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon;

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Heart Attitude

  Who you are. What you do. How you go about Be-ing and Do-ing starts and ends here – the attitude of your heart. Do

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  Do we really know what the word, ‘prosper’ means? When you use or hear it – what is the reference? What is it we

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  Is that how you would describe you… or your life… or your faith? Hopefully not, because if you view yourself and your life in

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A New Season

  What does this phrase say to you? How do you react when you sense in your spirit that change is about to occur? Does this

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Do You have a Question?

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A Little Blast from the Past...

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
