Dr. Carolyn Coon

Sharing… you

This is as much a (with) ‘whom’ question as much at it is a ‘how’ (much) question. We all control the amount of us we share, with whom, and when. There are some definite criterion we use to judge how much we share. I would venture to say that trust would be an important consideration. However, it can […]

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Trust yourself?

Do you trust you? Do you have reason not to trust you? Granted you make mistakes, but is this reason to not trust you? Absolutely not. Mistakes, unless deliberately repeated, are no basis for lack of trust. So, what would make you not trust yourself? For that matter, what causes you to trust yourself? Trust

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Instant Maturity

For some reason there is the pervasive thinking that once you get saved you instantly become mature. Though it may not be said, behavior seems to affirm this. I don’t think so. There is no such thing as ‘instant maturity’. Many times what is said is: “…you need to start attending a good bible believing church.”

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Be honest… the problem is that no one likes to get caught. This is especially true when you know you aren’t suppose to do something but you did it anyway and everyone knows that you know you shouldn’t. It’s bad enough that you got caught but to realize that everyone knew this wasn’t an innocent act makes the

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Is your life filled to overflowing? Are you busy with 1, 2, or 3 exclamation points? Why? And don’t say you don’t have any choice… one always has a choice. Our choices are based on our priorities – stated and affirmed and not stated but actions affirm. If you admit that you enjoy being busy

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Actually I’m referring, in this case, to the expression of emotions – non verbally. For example: happy, unhappy – which do you walk with? Does your countenance display hopelessness, sorrow or some other form of unhappiness or are you happy? With feelings, we choose what we express. I realize that it may be splitting hairs but, happiness and unhappiness express

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Do you sometimes feel like you’ve wasted your time? or your resources? or your opportunities? or … That ‘they’ are gone and can’t be retrieved. While some of the waste can be laid at your own feet – not all, sometimes the waste was not your doing but you reaped the results.  How does it make you feel?

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How do you define this word? Does equal mean precisely the same? Does ‘equal’ apply to everything? The answers to the last two questions is… no. I suspect that part of our approach to equal starts in childhood when it appears that another person may have gotten favor over/instead of us. Equal really is such

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
