Dr. Carolyn Coon


Don’t leave open spaces! If that sounded strange, it really isn’t – but let me explain. Remember the deliverance described In both Matthew and Luke?   “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places,      seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from   […]

Replacement Read More »


Know what this word means? Know what it looks like? Is this one of your character qualities?Webster definition (2nd definition): “….firm in belief, determination, or adherence: Loyal.” Is this you? But… in reference to what, whom? If you are ‘firm’ and ‘loyal’ – who, and how did they get this designation? What makes us, You

Steadfast Read More »

A glimpse

Have you ever thought about what heaven is like? Do you have any conception of what you will be doing? Or do you think you’ll be sitting around chatting with others and attending Praise and Worship services. And… is there any relationship to what you’ve done with your time here, in this life, that is

A glimpse Read More »

Do you realize…

Have you ever realized that if you don’t believe in yourself, that you will never understand, appreciate, or even accept that someone else does? Have you ever realized that if you don’t love yourself you can’t accept love from another? I would also question if you can extend love to others. Have you ever realized

Do you realize… Read More »

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
