Dr. Carolyn Coon

At hand

If you ever bemoan – ‘I don’t know what to do or say…’ then look to your heart for words and what’s at your hand for actions. Too simplistic? Possibly but do we try to complicate something that is obvious… even if it is simple? Who said that everything the Lord wants us to do

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I choose

happiness… joy…’a good day’…irritation….revenge… Bottom line – I choose! Your day, Your life is a reflection of Your Attitude. When you wake in the morning, what’s your first thought? What brings a spring to your step and a smile to your face? Or do you groggily get up and figure – same story, different day?

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NO Time

Do you ever feel like screaming out loud – “I have no time!!!” What you are referencing really means is that there is no time for yourself or the activities that are important, bring meaning and purpose to your life – now. So what do you do? Bite the bullet and simply soldier on? Whine? After

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I am so sorry…

Sometimes those are hard words to say. This isn’t the glib, unthinking phrase that trips off the tongue, but the heartfelt statement based on the realization of what the ramifications were/are created for/on others from your words or actions. Never forget that your words are powerful and have even greater impact than you may imagine.

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Now that I give it more thought… can’t, can have a seat at the table. But its role has to be specifically defined. You can’t unsay, you can’t undo, you can’t unknow, and you can’t use these can’ts to cripple yourself – they aren’t an excuse. Just like knowing what is the problem is not

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The Battle

Many will say that the mind is the battleground. No argument, but the battle really IS considerably more. The battle is for all of us: our souls – our minds, our wills, our emotions! And the battle occurs simultaneously in all three. It may start in one but it will always progress to include all

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Ever think about your soul? Ever wonder why scripture talks about your soul as often as it does? Or do you couple spirit and soul together into one? They aren’t the same, you know. When you read ‘spirit’ in scripture – it isn’t talking about your soul… and vice versa. So what is ‘soul’? Your

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
