

Did you grow up knowing you needed a Savior? And ‘needed’ is spelled in capital letters. I suspect that unless your family was Pentecostal, the probability for most of we who were raised in mainstream churches didn’t. Baptists did though. Point being is that if you didn’t know… how do you know? What was your […]

Savior… Read More »


My goodness… I didn’t realize that I was sooo performance based! No, not in relation to others, as a basis of comparison – just in terms of me. And while some of you who are more familiar with me, I suspect this comes as no great shock. Was it my family? my friends? my standard?

Performance Read More »


Important? What is redemption and do you think about this very often? Actually… are you? Redeemed is more than freedom from what has been. I could be completely wrong, but… I also look at it as an invitation into what can be. defines redeem, redeemed, redemption as: “adjective – Theology. (in Christianity)having been saved

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Frightening word????? Bad person?? When you hear the word, repent, do you immediately feel guilty? And if ‘guilty’… of what? Do you try and distance yourself from whoever spoke the word regardless of circumstances? But do you realize that you repent often. Every time you change your mind… you repent, and I realize that this

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[The credit for this discussion belongs to Pastor Robert Morris whose Eastermessage was… not sure what word to use – fantastic. I’m just sharing myunderstanding that came from his message. I felt it needed to be shared –just remember that it’s my understanding.] “When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His

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Spiritual Warfare

“For though we walk in the flesh [as mortal men], we are not carrying on our [spiritual] warfare according to the flesh using the weapons of man. The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying sophisticated arguments

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Are you? What do you do with/about being blessed? Do you hoard it – holding it tightly to you so it doesn’t ‘get away’? Perhaps you put it in a little box, under lock and key, and put it somewhere ‘safe’? Do you act on your blessing? Do you spread the joy around? Do you

Blessed???! Read More »

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